
Conodonts and re-deposited shallow-water benthic foraminifera co-occur in the Upper Norian-Rhaetian Slatnik Formation of the Slovenian Basin (Southern Alps). The Mt. Kobla and Mt. Slatnik sections were investigated in order to give the first direct correlation between these two groups. The Norian-Rhaetian boundary (NRB) is placed at the First Appearance Datum of the conodont Misikella posthernsteini and is approached with the First Occurrence of the foraminifer Involutina turgida. An association of Trocholina turris with duostominids is a good marker for the Rhaetian. Careful revision of literature combined with our data culminated in reambulation of stratigraphical ranges for several foraminiferal species. The foraminiferal Triassic-Jurassic boundary (TJB) can be defined with the Last Occurrence of Galeanella tollmanni, “Sigmoilina” schaeferae or duostominids. The absence of the uppermost Rhaetian Misikella ultima conodont zone and the close coincidence of foraminiferal and conodont TJB could point to the presence of hiati in the upper part of the Slatnik Formation. Consequently, the exact pattern of disappearance of Late Triassic foraminifera at the boundary could not be observed. It is clear, however, that the foraminiferal assemblage was decimated for reef-dwelling foraminifera, duostominids and most of the platform-dwelling foraminifera. Biotic changes at the TJB are best explained as a result of a biocalcification crisis.

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