
ABSTRACTBusiness records management plays a vital role in enabling organizations to maintain accountability, curb corruption, and prevent mismanagement, while promoting efficient running of daily activities and effective decision-making. It is important for business organization to efficiently manage both digital and manually created recorded business information. In the digital and networked environment, and within the global economy, records are created as consequences of business transaction. Even though many companies have been processing network-generated business information and digital business records, many companies have not been able to manage their business process using the capabilities of information technology infrastructure. This article presented a simplify models using service oriented (software) design to assist companies especially the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to manage their business intelligence (business records) in a networked environment. Taking into account the modernisation of information technology to integrate and promote efficient business records management. The article concluded that the use of service-oriented design methodology, if adapted by the SMEs will improve business records management and sustainability, and improve compliance with the records management Acts, standards, policy, and regulations.

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