
The Galega orientalis, growing in one place for many years in a row, accumulates many different diseases and insect pests in its agrobiocenosis and the seed productivity of the crop decreases, so comprehensive protection of crops is relevant. The accounting platforms were laid on the experimental field of the Vologda State Agricultural Academy in 2012 on the Gale variety. The soil of the site is sod-slightly podzolic, medium loamy, with a capacity of the arable horizon of 20–22 cm and a humus content of 2.6%. Observations of diseases and pests were carried out during the entire growing season of the Galega orientalis — from May to September once a decade. The collection of insect pests was carried out with an entomological net, based on samples in 10 strokes, which corresponded to the density of insects per 1 m2. Diseases such as peronosporosis, powdery mildew and rust with an average number of 5–9 specimens per 1 m2 were detected on Galega orientalis. The pests were dominated by nodule weevils of the genus Sitona, clover seed eaters of the genus Apion and grass bugs, with a number of more than 10 specimens per 1 m2. The integrated protection of the eastern goat patch included weeding of experimental plots from weeds, spraying of crops: from diseases in the regrowth phase of the eastern goat patch — with the fungicide "Falcon" with a consumption rate of 0.6 l/ha, from pests in the budding phase of the culture — with the microbiological preparation "Bitoxibacillin" with consumption rates of 2, 3 and 4 kg /ha. A sufficiently high efficiency of the fungicide "Falcon", CS (suspension concentrate) with a consumption rate of 0.6 l/ha — 80.9–91.7% has been established. The effectiveness of the drug "Bitoxibacillin" with a consumption rate of 4 kg / ha was 89.5–92.5%.

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