
Photonic integration has seen tremendous progress over the previous decade, and several integration platforms have reached industrial maturity. This evolution has prepared the ground for miniaturized photonic sensors that lend themselves to efficient analysis of gaseous and liquid media, exploiting large interactions lengths of guided light with surrounding analytes, possibly mediated by chemically functionalized waveguide surfaces. Among the various sensor concepts, phase-sensitive approaches are particularly attractive: offering a flexible choice of the operation wavelength, these schemes are amenable to large-scale integration on mature technology platforms such as silicon photonics or silicon nitride ( S i 3 N 4 ) that have been developed in the context of tele- and data-communication applications. This paves the path toward miniaturized and robust sensor systems that offer outstanding scalability and that are perfectly suited for high-volume applications in life sciences, industrial process analytics, or consumer products. However, as the maturity of the underlying photonic integrated circuits (PICs) increases, system-level aspects of mass-deployable sensors gain importance. These aspects include, e.g., robust system concepts that can be operated outside controlled laboratory environments as well as readout schemes that can be implemented based on low-cost light sources, without the need for benchtop-type tunable lasers as typically used in scientific demonstrations. It is, thus, the goal of this tutorial to provide a holistic system model that allows us to better understand and to quantitatively benchmark the viability and performance of different phase-sensitive photonic sensor concepts under the stringent limitations of mass-deployable miniaturized systems. Specifically, we explain and formulate a generally applicable theoretical framework that allows for a quantitatively reliable end-to-end analysis of the overall signal chain. Building upon this framework, we identify and explain the most important technical parameters of the system, comprising the photonic sensor circuit, the light source, and the detector, as well as the readout and control scheme. We quantify and compare the achievable performance and the limitations that are associated with specific sensor structures based on Mach–Zehnder interferometers (MZIs) or high-Q optical ring resonators (RRs), and we condense our findings by formulating design guidelines both for sensor concepts. As a particularly attractive example, we discuss an MZI-based sensor implementation, relying on a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) as a power-efficient low-cost light source in combination with a simple and robust readout and control scheme. In contrast to RR-based sensor implementations, MZIs can be resilient to laser frequency noise, at the cost of a slightly lower sensitivity and a moderately increased footprint. To facilitate the application of our model, we provide a MATLAB-based application that visualizes the underlying physical principles and that can be readily used to estimate the achievable performance of a specific sensor system. The system-level design considerations are complemented by an overview of additional aspects that are important for successful sensor system implementation such as the design of the underlying waveguides, photonic system assembly concepts, and schemes for analyte handling.

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