
Rice is the staple food crop for more than half of the world’s population though it’s cultivation is done in only 11% of the world’s cultivable land. Several pests attack rice in different ways at different stages. Increased reliance on pesticides for pest control is found to be unsustainable and cost-ineffective. So, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) has been introduced as the best alternative for pest management in rice. IPM in rice helps to minimize risks to the environment and human health. Rice IPM uses the combination of cultural, use of resistant varieties, biological, physical, and chemical practices for pest control. Farmers Field School has been the most effective way to increase IPM knowledge among rice farmers. Such training helps to facilitate the farmers to apply ecologically informed farming practices. There are several challenges regarding the implementation of rice IPM. To increase IPM implementation in rice emphasis should be given on farmers’ training and education. The role of government is also vital for the successful implementation of IPM. This review article provides an overview of various IPM practices being performed in rice fields at present.

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