
These days, the business world experienced a very tight competition, so that the products and services offered in the market became more and more diverse. Good service quality is not enough for the company to survive in the face of increasingly fierce business competition. This study uses a Service Blueprint that is integrated with the House of Risk (HOR) with the aim of identifying service failures that can occur and then prioritizing the service quality improvements to give guidance for the service provider to improve service. To show how the model works, a cafe is used as a demonstration of this integrated model. Steps in this research used Service Blueprint to identify fail points and excessive wait. The result was used as an input in HOR 1 to determine the priority of risk which was then resumed in HOR 2 so that strategy priority was obtained. The results of the case studies show that the model could identify 20 risk events, identifies 20 risk agents, could assign 10 risk priorities agents and could give 4 main priority strategies for service quality improvement.

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