
AbstractThe Advanced Tactical Fighter (ATF) Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) Request For Proposals called for several dramatic changes in the acquisition process along the guidelines proposed by the Packard Commission. The ATF EMD Program was to truly be an event‐based program, as opposed to being driven predominantly by a schedule produced before the proposals were submitted. How can a major aircraft EMD program be managed apart from a schedule? Of course, it cannot. For the F‐22 EMD Program, an Integrated Master Plan (IMP) was developed, defining all essential tasks in a hierarchial and Integrated Product Team format. The IMP describes the Events, Significant Accomplishments, and Accomplishment Criteria to be completed to the satisfaction of the SPO/Contractor team throughout the nine year EMD Program. The IMP indicates which Work Breakdown Structure element is primarily tasked with each Accomplishment Criteria, the multiple Accomplishment Criteria under a specific Significant Accomplishment, and the multiple Significant Accomplishments necessary to successfully demonstrate satisfactory Event closure. The IMP is a contractual document, without calendar dates. An associated Integrated Master Schedule expands the contractual IMP by adding an expected schedule to every Event, Significant Accomplishment, and Accomplishment Criteria. The IMS also adds sub‐criteria Tasks to some Accomplishment Criteria. In the early stages of the EMD Program, the IMP has already demonstrated its value by instilling a discipline to the concurrent engineering nature of the F‐22 Program that might otherwise have been very difficult to achieve.

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