
Lateral ankle sprain is most common injury occurred during sports after forceful inversion. A comprehensive rehabilitation protocol is needed for faster recovery and avoiding recurrence. A case of 23-year-old male, amateur football player, had an injury to his left ankle. He developed sudden onset of pain, swelling and was not able to bear weight on his left ankle. Orthopaedic doctor suggested him 6 weeks of immobilization in plaster cast after confirmation of anterior talo-fibular ligament grade III and Posterior talo-fibular ligament and Deltoid ligament grade I sprain on MRI. After cast removal, he was referred to physiotherapy. The patient presented with pain, swelling, decrease muscle strength, kinesiophobia and incomplete ROM of the left ankle joint. A customized physiotherapy protocol was followed for 12 weeks after immobilization period. Phase wise integrated manual therapy program along with exercise training showed significant improvement in ankle joint function after lateral ankle sprain.

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