
ABSTRACTBiscogniauxia mediterranea (De Not.) Kuntze, is a widespread fungus, causes outbreaks of Charcoal disease on cork oak and dieback thousands oak trees in recent years in Iran. Yet no efficient and effective management methods have been found to control the disease. The present study aimed to provide a suitable method for charcoal disease management through silviculture operations, systemic pesticides and biological compounds. The results showed that, simultaneous implementation of silvicultural practices (scarification+sanitation), use of systemic fungicides and Trichoderma compounds, reduce the number and depth of cankers, increase callus thickness, and ultimately improve health of the diseased trees. But disease severity and fungi activity were increased when scarification operation implements alone. The greatest effectiveness of the treatments and health condition improvement of the diseased trees was observed 12 months after applying the treatments. Then, preventive and therapeutic effectiveness of the treatments reduced over time. Sanitation and scarification practices can increase soil permeability and also destroy the larvae, pupa or adult insects and oak borer beetles that play an important role in disease outbreaks. Therefore, simultaneous implementation of sanitation and scarification practices with application of biological and systemic compounds can reduce primary source of pathogen inoculum and help trees to recover their health.

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