
Traditional library management systems often suffer from a lack of automation, resulting in inefficient processes and limited user engagement, with cataloguing, book transactions, and user interactions remaining manual. This hindrance hampers the seamless functioning of libraries in an era dominated by digital innovation, ultimately leading to a diminished library experience for both librarians and patrons. The aim of this project is to revolutionize library management by designing and implementing an efficient and user-friendly Integrated Library Management System (ILMS). The focus lies in addressing the shortcomings of existing systems through the incorporation of modern technologies, fostering automation, and enhancing user engagement. The primary objective is to elevate user engagement through a virtual bookshelf, seamless integration with E-book platforms, and improved accessibility features in the ILMS. By providing users with a more immersive and personalized experience, the ILMS aims to bridge the gap between traditional library services and the expectations of users in the digital age.

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