
The article is devoted to the study of the influence of integrated lessons on the formation of a foreign language culture of primary students. Since at the stage of modern education, teachers are faced with the task of forming holistic knowledge among students, so that when they leave school, they have a complete picture of the world and worldview, then integrated lessons, as a form of non-traditional lesson, are a very effective technique. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the effectiveness of the use of integrated lessons as a way to form a foreign language culture of primary students. The methodology is based on the study of general approaches to the organization of integrated learning, the system of its methods and techniques. The main research method is theoretical, including analysis of the literature on the research problem, synthesis, generalization and interpretation of data. Conducting integrated lessons in combination with traditional lessons contributes to the effective formation of educational and cognitive activity of primary schoolchildren. Integrated lessons provide an opportunity to form a worldview, practical skills that contribute to the development of productive thinking, cognitive activity, the development of the student’s volitional qualities, memory, and the development of the ability to express their opinion. In conclusion, integrated foreign language lessons with other academic disciplines contribute to the formation of a creative, comprehensively developed, tolerant, independent, responsible and capable of thinking personality. Integrated lessons contribute to the formation of a foreign language culture among primary students.

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