
SummaryWe present an integrated interpretation of microseismic, treatment, and production data from hydraulic-fracturing jobs carried out in two adjacent wellpads in the Horn River Basin, northeast British Columbia, Canada.We conclude that poor correlation coefficients (R2) in crossplots of normalized production rate vs. the product of stimulated reservoir volume (SRV) and porosity and total organic carbon (TOC) (SRV×ϕ×TOC) indicate pressure interference between wells or wellpads. Good correlation coefficients in the same crossplots indicate lack of interference.The SRV×ϕ×TOC product reflects the hydrocarbon pore SRV because there is a relationship between TOC and hydrocarbon saturation in shales (Lopez and Aguilera 2018). Our results suggest that natural-fracture networks have an important effect on well connectivity and on the spatial distribution of microseismic data. Connectivity between wellpads occurs through a network of pre-existing natural fractures, which are approximately perpendicular to the least principal compressive stress in the area.This conclusion is supported by data analysis from Wellpads I and II in the Horn River Basin. Wellpad I includes eight wells that were drilled and fractured in the Muskwa and Otter Park formations (four wells in each formation) in 2010. Wellpad II includes three wells drilled and fractured in 2011 in each of the three shale formations, Muskwa, Otter Park, and Evie. There is a 1-year interval between fracturing on the first and second wellpads.The data analysis includes evaluation of magnitudes, b-values, moment-tensor inversion (MTI), and the spatial and temporal distributions of three-component microseismic events recorded during more than 200 stages of fracturing by multiwell downhole arrays. We analyzed Gutenberg-Richter frequency/magnitude graphs for each fracturing stage, and with proper integration of b-values, fracture-complexity index (FCI), MTI information, and treatment data, we distinguished hydraulic-fracturing-related events and events associated with slip along the surface of natural fractures. The results are compared with 5- and 4-year gas-production data in Wellpads I and II, respectively.Identification of natural fractures and information about interactions between hydraulically fractured wells are both essential for optimal well placement and completion, reservoir characterization, SRV calculation, and reservoir simulation. This study presents a distinctive insight into the integrated interpretation of microseismic events and production data to identify the activation of natural fractures and interference between the hydraulically fractured wells. The methodology developed in this study is thus related to production engineering, but examines it from the point of view of microseismic data.

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