
Public transportation is a passenger transportation service that can be used by the public, managed and operated on a designated route, and charged for each trip. Public transportations with fixed route often used by the people of Surabaya are share taxis (Angkutan Kota), city buses, bus rapid transit system (Suroboyo Bus), and commuter trains. There are many transportation modes in Surabaya, but there is no integrated information system of it. We propose a system designed to help passengers feel ease to access and choose any public transportation in Surabaya. The proposed system offers information to help passengers know the easier travel route, monitoring vehicle position, ticket price, and visualization on the map. A positioning device is installed on every public transportation, where it will send the vehicle’s position to the server. The integrated information system is based on Android. It can help passengers who want to travel to find the best route, cheap ticket price, and arrival time while using public transportation in Surabaya. Outcome of this research is a mockup of the system.

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