
Preface.- Models: Language, Graphic, Analogue, Scale, Mathematical & Computer Models.- Computer Languages and Java Programming.- Program Development Environment for Graphics.- Conditional Actions - Spatial Searching and Problem Solving.- Display System and Hardware Programming Primitives.- Computer Hardware and Low Level Machine Language Programming.- Intermediate, Assembler Language Programming Macro Expansions, and Expression Translation.- High Level Languages - Translation, Interpretation and Scripting.- Primitive Raster Infill Operations: Line Interpolation.- Area Fill & Masks Circles and Thick Line Interpolation.- Parametric Line Interpolation & Key Frame Infill 'Inbetweening' Film Animation.- Geometry, Algebras, Co-ordinate Systems, and Transformations.- Spatial Relationships Overlap and Adjacency: Point to Line to Area.- Spatial Relationships Overlap and Adjacency Polygon on Polygon.- Spatial Relationships Overlap and Adjacency Rectangle-Rectangle Window on Window.- GUI: Graphic User Interfaces: Control Design Animation & Simulation Systems

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