
The function of the oral facial muscles has been a concern of the dental community dealing with malocclusion for almost 100 years. Numerous appliances have been developed to help alleviate the problem, but the process of actually teaching the patient to control and change his muscle func­tion has frequently been discounted and un­used. The lack of understanding of the purpose of myo­functional therapy, the lack of education of thera­pists, and the lack of standardization of controls has created this lethargy. Until the time comes when our universities determine the need for a course of study in myofunctional therapy and cor­rection of myofunctional disorders, and until true professionals are educated, the location of MFT should be in the dental office. The team approach, which can be so successfully used in the dental office, can allow the patient the best possible muscle function improvement and must be an integral part of orthopedic gnathologi­cal treatment. These exercises are extremely beneficial for initiating balance between the oral facial muscles. Along with the exercises proper diet, functional appliances are also beneficial for initiating balance between orofacial muscles. This article describes the importance various exercises, diet and functional appliances for maintaining balance between orofacial muscles. Keywords: Orofacial Muscles, Myofunctional Therapy, Exercises, Integrated Functional Therapy

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