
Integrated community care (ICC) is defined as an interweaving of health-care and social-care interventions deployed in spatial and relational proximity using an interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral approach. Consideration of territory scale and time scale are at the center of ICC practices. Its deployment in public health and social care networks (HSCN) can be complex due to their broad mandate, the complexity of their management, and accountability. Therefore, we aimed to describe ICC delivered by public HSCN to determine how, why, for whom, and in what circumstances ICC works and produces outcomes. A realist synthesis was conducted consisting of five steps consistent with realist synthesis standards (RAMESES projects) to produce configurations of Context - Mechanism - Outcomes (CMOc) and development of a middle-range explanatory theory of why and how the identified outcomes may have occurred. In total, 26 studies were selected and used, as evidence, to support-either partially or fully-the production of CMOc based on the initial program theory. Nine unique CMO configurations were identified based on the data analyses and team discussion. ICC middle-range theory is informed by the CMO configurations identified. This realist synthesis allowed us to identify the central mechanisms of ICC delivered by public HSCN and to produce a middle range theory. ICC is based on a specific philosophy and deployed by a professional agency oriented toward a community agency within a local system of interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral action. Our middle-range theory will provide a solid analytical framework as a foundation for ICC implementation and future research.

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