
AbstractThe nervous system plays an irreplaceable role in maintaining homeostasis and coordinating with the external environment. However, the incidence of neurological diseases is high and increasing year by year. Long drug development cycles, low efficacy, improper models and other bottlenecks restrict the prevention and treatment of diseases. Organ‐on‐chips (OOCs), as in vitro constructed organ microsystems, have made remarkable progress in recent years. The blood–brain barrier chip, neurovascular unit chip, nerve signal transduction chip, and other chips related to brain function have been widely studied. However, in vitro modeling of complex biological systems remains a major challenge for OOCs. The future development goal of OOC is to realize automatic culture, organ function simulation, and real‐time monitoring of physiological and biochemical indicators. In this paper, a strategy for optimizing the structure and functional interface of cell‐derived modules is presented, and a specific model of the automated integration system is proposed. It aims to build standardized and commercial chips related to brain functions and systems by integrating multidisciplinary strengths. In addition, it will drive the progress of life science research, disease modeling, and drug research and promote the development of related industries.

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