
Assessing comprehensively the overall environmental impacts of a region remains a major challenge. Within life cycle assessment (LCA), this evaluation is performed calculating normalisation factors (NFs) at different scales. Normalisation represents an optional step of LCA according to ISO 14040/44 which may help in understanding the relative magnitude of the impact associated to a product when compared to a reference value. In order to enhance the robustness and comprehensiveness of NFs, this paper presents a methodology for building an extended domestic inventory of emission and resources extraction. The domestic inventory refers to emissions and extractions due to the processes located within a geographical region, Europe (EU 27), in 2010. A robust regional inventory is a fundamental element for supporting the calculation of global factors, often resulting form extrapolation and upscaling from regional ones. The NFs for EU 27 in 2010 are based on extensive data collection and the application of extrapolation strategies for data gaps filling. The inventory is based on domestic emissions into air, water and soil and on resource extracted in EU, adopting a production-based approach. A hierarchy is developed for selection of data sources based on their robustness and quality. Data gap filling is based on several proxy indicators, specific for each impact category, capitalising existing statistics on pressure indicators (e.g. estimating ionising radiation emissions based on data of electricity production from nuclear power plants). To calculate NFs, the inventory is characterised using the International reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) Handbook (EC-JRC 2011a) midpoint indicators. The resulting NFs present several added values compared to earlier normalisation exercises based on domestic inventories, namely more complete inventory, based on wide variety of sources; more comprehensive coverage of the flows within each impact category; overall evaluation of the robustness of the final figures; and robustness evaluation of the data sources. Contribution analysis shows that few flows (NO x , SO x , NH4, etc.) are driving the impacts of several impact categories, and the choice of the data sources is particularly crucial, as this may lead to differences in the NFs. A qualitative uncertainty assessment is reported for each impact category. Besides, in order to test the robustness of the NFs, a sensitivity analysis on key choices and assumptions has been advocated. NFs may help identification of the relative magnitude of the impact. Nonetheless, several limitations still exist both at the inventory and at the impact assessment level, e.g., several inventory flows are not characterised as there is no characterisation factor available in current models. Those limitations should be clearly reported and understood by the users of normalisation factors in order to correctly interpret the results of their study as well as when regional NFs are used as basis for building global set of factor. The adoption of domestic NFs may, in fact, result in overestimating the relative magnitude of certain impacts, especially when those impacts are associated with traded goods from or outside the EU 27. Qualitative and quantitative assessment of uncertainties should be conducted from inventory to characterised results. Comprehensive testing is needed on the following: data sources, data mapping, regionalisation as well as models and system boundaries thereof. Strengths and limitations of the current study have implications also in other application contexts, as when indicators are needed to evaluate progress towards environmental policies goals. In fact, environmental impact indicators at regional scale often require data gap filling and estimation methodologies.


  • According to ISO 14044 (ISO 2006), normalisation is an optional interpretation step of a complete life cycle assessment (LCA) study

  • The objective of the current study is the development of normalisation factors (NFs) for European Union (EU) 27 for the year 2010, using data on domestic emissions in air, water and soil, and resource extraction characterised using the International reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) method for impact assessment (ECJRC 2011a)

  • The aim of the current paper is, to produce an extended inventory in which authoritative sources of data are coupled with proxy indicators, linking human interventions with emission estimates The domestic set of NFs is the result of an effort in extending the coverage of emissions and resource use, transparently reporting discrepancies, limitation and possible bias in the interpretation

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According to ISO 14044 (ISO 2006), normalisation is an optional interpretation step of a complete life cycle assessment (LCA) study. Normalisation allows the LCA practitioner expressing results after characterisation using a common reference impact (Laurent et al 2011a), and it may be of help if results need to be communicated to decision makers in business and policy. Using normalisation references, the relative magnitude of an impact may be related to other impacts in the life cycle of a product with a common unit and the relative magnitude of the contribution of the impact in one impact category may be compared with the magnitude of the contribution in another one. A reference region is commonly chosen to represent the background environmental burden related to all activities (e.g. economic, production activities) in that region under study. Normalisation values need to be regularly updated to be meaningful and to provide normalisation references that can be used by practitioners

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