
Geologic data from approximately 200 of the deepest strategically located oil and gas wells in the Powder River basin were used to construct a series of 20 east-west electric log cross sections. On these cross sections, formation tops, key bentonite beds, major unconformities, and stratigraphic pinch-outs were identified to illustrate stratigraphic relationships of Upper Cretaceous through Pennsylvanian and, in some cases, older strata in the basin. A computer file was then made to include these geologic data, from which computer-generated structure contour maps and regional isopach maps of important hydrocarbon source rock and reservoir rock units were made. A comprehensive geologic well data file was also developed from the Well History Control System (WHCS). Independent verification of WHCS data was undertaken to correct obviously spurious information. A number of structural contour maps of several of the major objective units in the basin were then computer-generated from this data file. The major oil and gas plays in the basin were geologically described and geographically delineated, and their boundaries were digitized to provide a framework for stratigraphically and geographically managing and editing data for use in resource assessment studies. Exploratory wells, oil and gas fields or pools, and oil and gas showsmore » were plotted on maps of these play areas and on maps of the entire basin area. Drilling statistics were also compiled from the WHCS data base of approximately 30,000 exploration and development wells in the basin. The combination of these computerized data management and display systems makes it possible for geologic, drilling, and production data to be easily cross-checked and integrated. The products of this kind of approach aid in the assessment of exploration maturity of oil and gas plays and the appraisal of future oil and gas resources.« less

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