
Abstract The purpose of the work is to present the experience of PJSC "Gazpromneft" in the oil rims development and formed on its basis the strategy of involving in the economically viable development of this type of hydrocarbon reserves. The paper considers various approaches, such as depletion, injection of gas and water into the oil rim, back injection into the gas cap of produced associated petroleum gas from the rim, simultaneous production of oil and gas, etc. Practical examples are given in management and technological decisions in solving various problems in the development of oil rims in order to maximize the economic efficiency of projects and the main recommendations are formed. The conclusions are that one of the key drivers of the success of the development of oil rims is an integrated approach to development management. It is concluded that the successful development of such deposits is possible under the condition of monetization of all hydrocarbon products. The paper notes that, given the significant volume of construction, technological risks and long-term projects, successful implementation of projects for the development of oil rims requires a clear, long-term and stable state tax policy for companies engaged in the development of the resource base of such hydrocarbon reserves.

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