
Abstract ADCO has drilled a number of wells and evaluated hydrocarbon potential of the Middle Cretaceous Wasia Group Unconventional reservoirs onshore Abu Dhabi since 2012. Latest logging and core analysis technologies were applied to assess key parameters such as Total Organic Carbon (TOC), source rock maturity, mineral compositions and fluid saturations, as well as geomechanical parameters such as Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio and minimum horizontal stresses. To date more than 2500ft of core has been extracted, described and analysed. We understand that ADCO has, by far, the largest data base among all the OPCOS with regards to unconventional play and has gained a significant local learning curve ahieved over the last 3 years. In addition to triple combo data, log data acquired consists of NMR, high resolution lateralog, dielectric logs, and mineral spectroscopy, cross dipole sonic, borehole imaging and sonic scanner, routine and advanced mudlogging. Core analysis consists of crushed rock analysis, pyrolysis and rock mechanics testing. Significantly high mud gas readings, observation of oil staining, odor, and fluorescence under UV light indicate presence of oil over large sections of the acquired cores and side wall cores from various geographically spread wells. Recently, we have conducted 5000 TOC and 1500 Pyrolysis measurements from core and cuttings samples in 110 wells spread all over Abu Dhabi. This data clearly demonstrate that large sections of Wasia Group bear excellent source rock quality in several wells located in large segments of onshore Abu Dhabi. Visual inspection of core and TOC measurements indicate that high frequency jet black centimeter scale organically rich lamellae often exceeding 20% TOC in several wells are not uncommon. The unconventional reservoir rocks are composed of predominantly clean and tight matrix carbonate mudstones and wackestones. Preliminary results of the current exploration campaign within the ADCO concession are very encouraging, showing indications of hydrocarbon presence. Formation testing is planned in the near future to confirm the Unconventional play in Abu Dhabi. The paper focuses on an integrated multi-disciplinary approach covering petrophysical, geological, geochemical and geomechanical assessment with the ultimate goal to determine optimal parameters for formation testing and production.

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