
Sleep apnea is a disorder that patients experience during sleep because of pauses in breath. The breath pauses usually remain for seconds to minutes and they might happen some times during night and it causes loud choking or snorting sounds when breathing is resumed. As it disturbs normal sleep, patients affected might feel sleepiness or tired in case of day time. In order to cure sleep apnea disorder, the breathing assistants like CPAP and BiPAP machines are used. CPAP devices are the best for treatment of OSA and can monitor during sleep and BiPAP is suggested for patients who are suffering with both OSA and CSA. The lack of treatment for both OSA and CSA might lead to heart attack, stroke, diabetes, heart failure, and irregular heartbeat. The overview of our project is to get people know the awareness of sleep apnea disorder and make the low-cost integrated CPAP and BiPAP machine as single non-invasive method working model.

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