
Education in schools is the development of the potential of students, with this a person will become a human being who has the skills to carry out his life optimally character education, namely; forming the child's personality, so that he becomes a good human being, a citizen, and a good citizen, so that he is able to anticipate symptoms of a moral crisis and play a role in fostering the younger generation. Character education is the main key that must be applied to learning so that students have good morals. Good morals really have a big role in the survival of each individual. This character education is a bridge to manage and control the emotions of students. Natural Sciences (IPA) is one of the fields of study taught in elementary schools (SD). By learning Science, students can get to know the surrounding environment and everything in it, through various activities carried out by students in learning activities. Through learning Science, students can be included the values of character education by integrating the material in the science learning. This study aims to find out how the integration of character education in learning science in elementary schools.

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