
The article is sanctified to consideration of the modern stateof conception of integral r ationalism, that originates theideological sources from the paradigm of Europe adogmatism. An author distinguishes her ontological andepistemological intensions that direc tly touch themodern mainstream of Interdisciplinary and thinking in complication. Postmetaphysical tendencies areexposed to the walkthrough in philo sophy, science, andreligions that gravitate to rapprochement as a generalmental structure of i ntegral rationalism of new Logos.The world view factors of the European thinking, that entail edthe crisis phenomena in the coexistence of countries ofEuropean Union, are studied, on the basis of adogmatic reflection of historical preconditions of European integration. The present day is the post-metephysical period of awareness of the need for a return to holistic thinking, the focus of which at present is synergetic. Science, remaining "a high-tech knowledge center", paves the way through interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity to the transversal mind, which is still an imaginary horizon of ontological unity of various types of rationality and the definition of reason as such. In theology, there is an acute reformist need for the creation of a "new intellectual non-church religion", which would first of all honor ethical and aesthetic functions that produce the moral safeguards of human life. Each aspect of integral rationalism is in a state of intrinsic imbalance, which is capable of showing the intentions of convergence (or dispersal in the event of deepening of the crisis trends) to each other through a sinergetic antagonism around the idea of the "faith is the entelechy of mind" integral rationalism. Such intentions arise primarily through the awakening of an ontological inquiry into the metaphysical unity of being and being in their hermeneutic circle. The world, immersed in a pathos train (stable perseverance) of globalization with the intention to change the existence in space measurements, made a fatal mistake, not taking into account that such a change is heavy for itself and the change of things, namely, human-being. The expectation that a person under the influence of technological pressure (since it was he who became the driving factor for global development) automatically turned into a "citizen of the world" did not materialize: the regionality of thinking, the location of traditions, nationalism, religious isoletionism, the existence of "poles of influence" on geopolitics and therefore the existence (human) among the technical revolutions is in the forgotten frontier of "globalization-anti- globalism".


  • Піддаються критичному аналізу постметафізичні тенденції у філософії, науці і релігії, які мають схильність до збігання у якості спільної ментальної структури інтегрального раціоналізму нового логосу

  • Postmetaphysical tendencies areexposed to the walkthrough in philosophy, science, andreligions that gravitate to rapprochement as a generalmental structure of i ntegral rationalism of new Logos.The world view factors of the European thinking, that entailedthe crisis phenome na in the coexistence of countries ofEuropean Union, are studied, on the basis of adogmatic reflection of historical preconditions of European integration

  • Each aspect of integral rationalism is in a state of intrinsic imbalance, which is capable of showing the intentions of convergence to each other through a sinergetic antagonism around the idea of the "faith is the entelechy of mind" integral rationalism

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Але треба врахувати й ту обставину, що ІР методологічно походить від концептуальних засад європейського адогматизму, який вже сам започатковує синтез критичних філософських течій і здатен генетично передати свій «критичний потенціал» інтегральному раціоналізму у якості іструмента рефлексії когнітивних перетинів філософських концептів, наукових проектів й теологічних доктрин. Отже кожен аспект ІР нині перебуває у стані внутрішньої нерівноваги, який здатен проявити інтенції зближення (або ж розбігання у разі поглиблення кризових тенденцій) один до одного через синергетичну атракцію навколо ідеї ІР «віра є ентелехія розуму».

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