
The Camisea Pipeline Transmission System (PTS) in Peru consists of two parallel pipelines, a Natural Gas (NG) pipeline and a Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) pipeline. The NG pipeline is 834 km long, including a 105 km loop. The NGL pipeline is 557 km long. Since 8 years ago and as a part of the current operation of the system, maintenance activities are being carried which, within its objectives for improvement, seek to establish a preventive approach instead a corrective approach. The involved areas in this new Management approach are geo-technics, pipelines, environment, communities and integrity. This paper describes the process named Integral Plan for Operating Risks. This process is a result of the updating of the geological-geotechnical base-line, in relation to the environmental and social context, allowing a comprehensive analysis of the status of the relation between the works and its environment, as well as planning prevention tasks able to guarantee the stability of the right of way (RoW) and the pipeline Integrity. This job is performed by both desk work (remote interpretation) and field work conducted by multidisciplinary teams, which ensures a transverse communication flow. All of this is backed by a digital database and a geographical information system (GIS). A Technical Atlas is constructed as a graphic document containing a series of cartographic and text cards regarding the sector under study as a useful instrument of preventive management for intervention in a given area. To date, a comprehensive remote analysis of the RoW has been completed and an in-site field analysis has started, upon which strategies are being developed in order to control items such as geological hazards, geological architecture, vegetation architecture, RoW stability, etc. Jobs were competed along the first 12 km as a pilot experience, which is being replicated all along the RoW.

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