
A procedure for the evaluation of activity for industrial hydrotreating catalysts is described in detail. The evaluation of the catalyst quality and its performance is carried out on different experimental levels. The first corresponds to the analytic characterization of physical and chemical properties of the catalyst. Levels 2 and 3 correspond to the evaluation of its catalytic properties in a micro reactor and pilot plant, respectively. A comparison of the experimental results with those calculated using mathematical models constitutes the next evaluating level. With all these results we can have a preliminary diagnosis of the catalyst's quality. If data from the operation of the catalyst at industrial plant are available, it is possible to make a comparison with those obtained in the different experimental levels. With all of this information it is also possible to make performance predictions in terms of activity, selectivity, and stability. The obtained results are very consistent at different levels of evaluation and allow us to establish the quality of the catalyst with great confidence.

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