
Our recent analysis reported decreasing trends in intake of free sugar in children and adolescents in Germany. Here we set out to update this analysis with current dietary intake (until 2023) because of the strong public health nutrition interest in sugar intake. In total, 4,218 dietary records kept between 2010 and 2023 by 751 participants (46.0% females, 3-18 years) from the German Dortmund Nutritional and Anthropometric Longitudinally Designed (DONALD) cohort were examined. Age and time trends in free sugar intake (%E/d) were analysed using polynomial mixed-effects regression models. Median intake data indicate a decline in the intake of free sugar between 2010/2011 (16.7%E) and 2022/2023 (11.7%E). Trend analyses confirmed, that intake of free sugars decreased continuously between 2017 and 2023 (Linear trend: β = -0.4126, p < 0.0001). In addition, free sugar intake changed significantly with age (Linear trend: β = 1.2922, p < 0.0001; quadratic trend: β = -0.08613, p = 0.0094; cubic trend: β = 0.001442, p = 0.1725), i.e. the intake of free sugars increases continuously up to early adolescence (9/10 years) and decreases again thereafter. The intake of free sugar among children and adolescents continued to decline, but still exceeded the WHO recommendations in 2023. Further measures to reduce free sugar intake would therefore be desirable, as well as continuous monitoring of sugar intake levels among this age groups.

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