
The daily gross energy intake, milk production, faecal output and liveweight changes of two sets of 16 White Fulani (Bunaji) Zebu Cattle, designated Groups A and B sub-divided into four stages of lactation were measured in feeding trials over a period of 16 week. Group A received supplementary concentrates at pasture whilst B received no supplementation. Relating energy output as milk, body tissue and faeces to the gross energy consumed, showed that faecal energy accounted for 37.97 to 38.61 percent of the losses for Group A and 34.76 to 37.43 percent in Group B. Energy output in milk averaged 6.89 to 10.21 percent of gross consumed for Group A and only 4.25 to 5.85 percent for Group B. Energy deposited as body tissue was low, averaging 1.18 to 1.92 percent for Group A cows and 0.14 to 0.67% for Group B

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