
The edge extraction technique in image processing was used to identify and classify micro-cracks on the composite insulator material in order to extract the shed's micro-cracks. The composite insulator has a significant impact on the operation and even power lines, so faults in the composite insulator must be identified. From the standpoint of image processing, the proposed approach for this project includes an image of a composite insulator, including micro-cracks. To extract the micro-crack on the insulator, first preprocess the image to extract the insulators after graying and edge-detecting. Image analysis refers to the process of altering the features of an image by executing various adjustments or alterations utilizing various functions. The Sobel operator, the Canny operator, the Prewitt operator, and the Laplace operator are all edge extraction operators that use this concept. Finally, images of composite insulators were extracted using different methodologies and compared, and the images were assessed using composite insulator features.

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