
The present activities in the field of earthquake seismology in Republic of North Macedonia are carried out by the Seismological Observatory at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University "Sts. Cyril and Methodius" - Skopje, founded in 1957. Seismological Observatory in Skopje with telemetric network of digital seismological stations systematically monitors the seismic activity in the territory of Republic of North Macedonia and the bordering areas and also records the regional and teleseismic earthquakes. The instrumental seismological data at the Seismological Observatory in Skopje and at stations of its network have been always obtained by instrumentation which had followed the world trends. Actual scientific methods and, lately, the most sophisticated computer softwares have been used in analyses. Earthquakes with local magnitudes down to zero can be recorded and analyzed with the latest instrumentation by real time telemetric network data exchange and used softwares. The predominant hypocentral depths are less than 15 km. These data give opportunity for epicentral areas predefinition of the on the territory of Republic of North Macedonia, calculation of many source parameters and the mean velocity of the relative tectonic movement of the fault blocks, as well.

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