
One of the most important new engine concepts is the Geared turbofan. In these engines a gear box allows the decoupling between fan and turbine rotational speeds. As a consequence, the separate aerodynamic optimization of both components becomes possible leading to an increase in engine bypass ratios, higher propulsive efficiency and lower specific fuel consumption. The multi-stage intermediate pressure turbine (IPT) is one of the key parts of the thermodynamic cycle in geared turbofan architectures. During the characterization of a LPT NGV row, it is important to have detailed pressure losses measurements as accurate as possible. Because of the aerodynamic differences with conventional low pressure turbines (LPT), this becomes mandatory when the NGV is designed for an IPT. The main error sources are related to circumferential anisotropy, to repeatability of US and DS measurements, to effects of instrumentation in 2D losses and to static pressure measurement in the probe environment.

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