
Contents: Part I:Instructional Design and Courseware Design. Introduction. M.D. Roblyer, Fundamental Problems and Principles of Designing Effective Courseware. W. Wager, R.M. Gagn, Designing Computer-Aided Instruction. M.D. Merrill, Applying Component Display Theory to the Design of Courseware. Part II:Interactive Designs for Courseware. Introduction. toc D.A. Salisbury,Effective Drill and Practice Strategies. W.E. Montague, Promoting Cognitive Processing and Learning by Designing the Learning Environment. D.H. Jonassen, Integrating Learning Strategies into Courseware to Facilitate Deeper Processing. B.J. Schimmel, Providing Meaningful Feedback in Courseware. Part III: Adaptive Designs for Courseware.Introduction. AExternal Adaptations. C.A. Carrier, D.H. Jonassen, Adapting Courseware to Accommodate Individual Differences. S.M. Ross, G. Morrison, Adapting Instruction to Learner Performance and Background Variables. R.D. Tennyson, D.L. Christensen, MAIS: An Intelligent Adaptive Learning System. BInternal Adaptations. W. Hannum, Designing Courseware to Fit Subject Matter Structure. Part IV::Toward Intelligent CAI on Microcomputers.Introduction. S.A. Dennenberg, Semantic Network Designs for Courseware. W.E. McKay, Tutoring, Information Databases, and Iterative Design. J.M. Scandura, The Intelligent Rule Tutor. G. Kearsley, Authoring Systems for Intelligent Tutoring Systems on Personal Computers. Part V:Designing Motivating Courseware.Introduction. J. Keller, K. Suzuki, Application of the ARCS Motivation Model in Courseware Design.

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