
Learning is a continuous process of acquiring knowledge, skills, attitudes, or values, through study, experience, or teaching, that causes a change of behavior that is persistent, measurable, and specified or allows an individual to formulate a new mental construct or revise a prior mental construct. This process depends on experience and leads to long-term changes in behavior potential. Behavior potential describes the possible behavior of an individual and not his actual behavior in a given situation in order to achieve a goal. But potential is not enough. If individual learning is not periodically reinforced, it becomes shallower and shallower, and eventually is lost in that individual. Often, learning is synonymous with education. Education is the conscious attempt to promote learning in others. The primary function of is to create a safe, practical, and productive learning environment. Teaching is managing of the total learning environment to promote, enhance and motivate learning. Learning environment is the place, which is usually physical, where teaching and learning occurs. The learning environment can have both positive and negative effects on the mentor’s ability to teach and the student’s ability to focus on the learning task. A constructive learning environment puts many and open powerful resources in student hands in order to develop their problem-solving skills (Jonassen 1999), provides spaces for student privacy (Moore, 1986) and encourages the active use of knowledge and skills of the learners (Perkins, 1991). As the technologies develop, so does the learning environment. And with the development of the hypertext, hypermedia, Multimedia, the Internet and the World Wide Web, a new kind of learning environment developed, such as the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE); Learning Management Systems (LMS); Course Management System (CMS); Managed Learning Environments (MLE); and education via Computer-mediated Communication (CMC) or Online Education.

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