
Objective is the processes of formal structuring of scientific research in the field of remote automated diagnostics in the USSR. In the period under study, against the background of intensive processes of informatization of health care, a direction of scientific research was formed to create algorithms and programs for computer analysis of biomedical data in order to support medical decision-making. The low availability of electronic computers (due to objective technological and financial difficulties) prompted scientists to use telecommunication technologies to transfer data from practical health care institutions to large scientific and clinical centers equipped with computers. The initiatives of individual scientific groups were combined into the Republican target complex program for the scientific and practical development of automated advisory systems. The institutionalization of scientific research has reached a high level. At the expense of the state and administrative resources, systematic research was ensured - since 1979, the Republican Target Program "Development and Implementation of an Automated System for Remote Diagnosis of Certain Emergency Conditions" began in the RSFSR. However, by the mid-1980s due to a number of reasons (infrastructural, information-psychological and socio-economic), the biotelemetric component has lost its relevance and has almost completely disappeared from scientific topics. Research in the field of automated data analysis and biotelemetry itself has been divided into two separate areas.

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