
ABSTRACT The neo-institutional theory indicates the impact of the institutional environment on organizations. This leads to the creation of homogeneous institutional structures, due to the existence of dominant institutional logic. University reforms, embedded in ideas of New Public Management, mean that evolution of the institutional logic associated with academic governance is necessary. The success of university transformation depends on the possibility of reconciling new logic which refers to the idea of managerialism, with its principles of strong leadership, with academic logic based on collegial decision-making processes. In the empirical part of the article, the changes in the management structures of Polish universities were assessed, which are the result of reforms of the higher education system. Based on the analysis of statutes of 18 public universities, two groups of universities have been identified: those that try to maintain the conservative academic status quo, and those that adapt their authority structures to the changing institutional environment. The results show that the scale of the changes carried out is determined by the prestige of the university. Higher-rated universities are trying to maintain traditional academic authority structures. Universities lower in the rankings are more likely to implement ideas typical of managerial institutional logic.

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