
The paper aims to consider the consequences of civil protests in the context of the transformation of the democratic political system of Ukraine. Taking Ukraine as an example, the development of the path dependence concept in post-Soviet countries has been suggested in order to overcome negative institutional isomorphism and avoid the hybridity state in the political system. A periodization of institutional dynamics in Ukraine has been proposed, where the large-scale actions of civil disobedience became the bifurcation point. A comparative analysis of recurring protests of different years made it possible to outline the main features of the turning points of institutional development and in this context to consider current political events. Specific featuresof institutional development include the "from below" initiative, uncontrollability by the political elites, spontaneity. We will also note the increased drama of the unfolding of events, in particular. The use of force by the participants of the mass events and the authorities was also unprecedented. These features have led to both positive changes and negative consequences, which are still evident. A scientific analysis of changes in the main political institutions has been carried out on the basis of statistical data and the results of sociological surveys. Its results testify to profound shifts in the structure of the party-political spectrum, the nature of public activity, political participation, worldview orientations of Ukrainians, and only superficial changes in state bodies. This trend continues under martial law, which provides grounds for predicting the vectors and trajectory of institutional changes in the current period. The author’s conclusions about the role of the Revolution of Dignity in the formation and development of democratic political institutions have been made, and further trends in the development of political institutions have been predicted.

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