
The term "circular economy" appeared relatively recently in Russia. Interest to the circular economy and the number of publications is growing. The concept of circular economy is very closely related to the green economy, bioeconomics, and low-carbon economy, which are based on moving away from fossil fuels and the development of new technologies. However, in Russia, most often circular economy means recycling system. The principles of circular economy are aimed at the economic, social, and environmental well-being of people. Experts identify factors that promote and hinder the development of circular economy in Russia. Issues of sustainable development, circular economy and energy transition are actively discussed by representatives of government, business and science at international and all-Russian forums. The principles of circular economy will allow achieving several Sustainable Development Goals. The circular economy is one of the key factors in achieving carbon-free energy goals. In St. Petersburg, profile committees, centers and associations are actively working in this direction. Consortia of international projects of most programs are formed from partners based on a triple helix approach- representatives of government, business and universities. The international projects of cross–border cooperation programmes "South-East Finland - Russia", "Estonia - Russia" and the INTERREG Baltic Sea region are considered. Pilot sites are being implemented within the framework of many international projects, with the possibility of further replication of successful experience. The legislative base of Russia and St. Petersburg in the field of circular economy is considered in detail.

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