
Topicality. The formation and further development of market relations in the Republic of Uzbekistan is inextricably linked with an increase in the efficiency of entrepreneurial activity of market entities. In the difficult conditions of the transformation of the country's economy, the problems of stabilizing the economy with the use of institutional instruments are of particular importance.Aim and tasks. To study the current state of entrepreneurship development in the national economy of Uzbekistan from the position of institutionalism, identify trends and develop proposals to improve the efficiency of business entities development in the context of economic transformation.Research results. Based on a systematic approach to the study of socio-economic phenomena and processes, the key provisions of the works of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of entrepreneurial activity, economic regulation, institutionalism and entrepreneurship support, it was revealed that there are practically no scientific works on quantitative assessment of the quality of the institutional environment of small enterprises. Building the theoretical and methodological basis of the study required a preliminary systematization of the accumulated experience in studying the institutional environment of small business in relation to both the identification characteristics of this category and modern approaches to the study. The domestic institutional school has not yet developed methodological tools adequate to the specifics of the national economy of Uzbekistan, which could be relied upon in the processes of research, evaluation and implementation of institutional reforms in this sector of the economy. The article attempts to identify the specifics of the institutional environment of small businesses. The conceptual apparatus of institutional research in this sector of the economy has been clarified and expanded. To develop a classification of approaches to the definition of the category "institutional environment", approaches to the study of the institutional environment for the development of small enterprises.Conclusion. Further applied developments concerning the assessment of the quality of the institutional environment, including in relation to small enterprises of the country's national economy, should be carried out on the basis of an assessment of the essential characteristics of this category. The author gives recommendations for improving the effectiveness of stimulating the sphere of entrepreneurial activity. The results of the study are of scientific and practical importance.

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