
The article is devoted to the analysis and consolidation of the main conclusions about the legal nature and features of domestic institutions of representative democracy in the works of Professor, Doctor of Law Ekaterina Ivanovna Kozlova. It is concluded that representative bodies and the will of the people remained the scientific interest of the founder of modern constitutionalism throughout his entire research career. From the point of view of the timeless nature of judgments and law enforcement in current realities, the elements and institutions of representative democracy are analyzed: sessional order of work; meetings as a form of activity; the formation of auxiliary and working bodies, which, in turn, cannot be classified as independent institutions of representative democracy; feedback, reports, preliminary discussions of decisions as a form of communication between deputies and voters; the principle of transparency and detailed legal regulation of activities. Ekaterina Ivanovna’s negative assessment of the rejection of the procedure for constituting representative bodies is supported.

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