
THE annual lectures on recent advances in physics arranged by the Manchester and District Local Section of the Institute of Physics were held in the Physics Department of the University of Manchester on June 24 and 26. The first lecture was given by Prof. Franz Simon, who is now working at the Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford, and whose researches on low temperatures are well known. He chose as his subject “Low Temperature Research its Objects and Methods”, and gave an account of recent advances in experimental technique whereby temperatures of the order of a fraction of a degree from absolute zero may be obtained. The principles underlying the experimental methods were considered and reference made to the peculiar properties of certain substances at low temperatures. Prof. M. Polanyi, professor of physical chemistry in the University of Manchester, gave the second lecture, his subject being “Reaction Velocity and Thermodynamics”. He discussed the general effect of pressure on the velocity of chemical reactions, using relations deduced in accordance with thermodynamical principles, and referred among other things to the alteration of the equilibrium of reactions due to pressure, the grouping of reactions, and the connexion between reaction velocity and the heat of reaction. He also described recent work on the mechanism of ionogenic reactions. The lectures were well supported by members and friends, and were followed by helpful discussions of the various points raised.

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