
IN a pamphlet recently issued by the Institute of Industrial Administration, 47 King William Street, E.C.4, outlining its objects and examinations, it is stated that management in industry is essentially the exercise of administrative function and involves the control and co-ordination of the technical functions. The operation of the administrative function does not vary greatly from one industry to another despite differences in the application of some of the technical functions, especially that of production. It is admitted that personality is a highly significant factor in industrial administration but training serves both to develop and inform personality. To the average individual upon whom industry has mainly to rely, training may make all the difference in his efficiency, to his own advantage and that of the nation. In preparing a revised syllabus of examinations, the Institute has endeavoured to collate the principles and practice bearing on the functional aspects of industrial administration. The scheme consists of three stages—fundamentals, intermediate and final—the first of which presents in elementary form a general idea of how an industrial undertaking is conducted and its relation to external affairs. In the intermediate and final stages the subjects of the fundamental stage are extended and amplified.

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