
The article examines the problems of full provision of the population with socio-cultural services, using the necessary administrative and legal tools. A conceptual idea of the content of public law support for the development of the institution of "cultural service" and the process of providing quality socio-cultural services to the population, as well as the role of public administration in it. The important role in qualitative satisfaction of cultural needs of citizens of the state is emphasized, without support of which it is impossible to realize full social usefulness of cultural goods which significance is perceived by consumers by their value as an element of process of increase of cultural level of the population. The characteristic features of the cultural sphere as an object of public administration are clarified. The considered situation in the cultural sphere allowed to outline the modern determinants of in-hibiting the development of the institution of "cultural service" as a component of the mechanism of public law provision of quality and affordable cultural services, including: lack of equal conditions for Ukrainian citizens to access cultural services; devaluation of generally recognized cultural values and landmarks; insufficient use of the potential of cultural institutions, as well as low investment level of the cultural sector; lack of effective public control in the provision of cultural services to the population; constant legislative changes that prevent the achievement of the desired level of adaptation of the management system of cultural entities to environmental conditions, etc. It is concluded that the development of the institute of "cultural service" should be formed in the mechanism of public-law provision of social and cultural services, taking into account the basic principles formulated in the Concept of reforming the system of cultural services, with mandatory addition to the principles of independent quality assessment, information openness of cultural services, etc.

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