
espanolThe green banana (Musa paradisiaca L.) is a fruit, which is grown in several regions of Peru, it represents a delicious, nutritious and very satisfying daily food source in the jungle regions. For this reason, it was proposed to increase its shelf life and nutritional value by making an instant drink and enriched with sugar and fresh milk. Three formulations were made: F1 (Pliof = 0.045 mbar, Tcong = -20 °C and tliof = 20 h), F2 (Pliof = 0.120 mbar, Tcong = -25 °C and tliof = 10 h) and F3 (Pliof = 0.200) mbar, Tcong = -32 °C and tliof = 30 h) with 13.53%, 11.11% and 9.09% of raw material respectively; its sensory properties were evaluated and finally the physicochemical composition of the best formulation. The results indicated that for obtaining the lyophilized instant drink should be carried out at a freezing temperature of -20 oC, lyophilization pressure of 0.045 mbar and lyophilization time of 20 hours and with a formulation of 13.53% green banana inguiri variety, 54.66% milk, 18.15% sugar and 13.66% water. The freeze-dried instant drink presents 3% moisture, 4.71% protein; 87.98% carbohydrates; 0.29% fiber; 2.39% fat and 1.3% ash. In conclusion, the formulation of obtaining a product with chemical, physical and sensory properties of good quality for human consumption espanolEl platano verde (Musa paradisiaca L.) es una fruta, que se cultiva en diversas regiones del Peru, representa una fuente de alimento diario delicioso, nutritivo y muy solicitado en las regiones de la selva. Por tal motivo, se propuso aumentar su vida util y valor nutricional elaborando una bebida instantanea y enriquecida con azucar y leche fresca. Se hicieron tres formulaciones: F1 (Pliof = 0,045 mbar, Tcong = -20°C y tliof = 20 h), F2 (Pliof = 0,120 mbar, Tcong = -25 °C y tliof = 10 h) y F3 (Pliof = 0,200 mbar, Tcong = -32 °C y tliof = 30 h) con 13,53%, 11,11% y 9,09% de materia prima respectivamente; se evaluo sus propiedades sensoriales y finalmente la composicion fisicoquimica de la mejor formulacion. Los resultados indicaron que para obtener la bebida instantanea liofilizadas se debe efectuar a una temperatura de congelacion de -20 oC, presion de liofilizacion de 0,045 mbar y tiempo de liofilizacion de 20 horas y con una formulacion de 13,53% de platano verde variedad inguiri, 54,66% de leche, 18,15% de azucar y 13,66% de agua. La bebida instantanea liofilizada presenta un 3% de humedad, 4,71% de proteinas; 87,98% de carbohidratos; 0,29% de fibra; 2,39% de grasa y 1,3% de cenizas. En conclusion, la formulacion permitio obtener un producto con propiedades quimicas, fisicas y sensoriales de buena calidad para el consumo humano.

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