
BackgroundThe kidneys of preterm and low birth weight babies reflect vulnerability, since several noxae can evoke the termination of nephron formation. This again leads to oligonephropathy with severe consequences for health in the later life. While the clinical parameters have been intensely investigated, only little is known about the initial traces left by the noxae. For the fetal human kidney, solely the lack of basophilic S-shaped bodies and the reduction in width of the nephrogenic zone were registered. It is not known in how far also the involved progenitor cells, the earlier nephron stages, the collecting duct (CD) ampullae, and the local interstitium are collaterally harmed.AimThe interstitium at the forming nephron is heterogeneously structured. Thereby, it fulfills quite different mastering and integrative tasks. Since data dealing with the installation of a nephron is not available, the microanatomical features were recorded.ResultsThe microscopic specimens show that the installation of the transient stages of nephron anlage is not synchronized. Instead, it is controlled within a nephrogenic compartment of the nephrogenic zone. It starts near the renal capsule by positioning the nephrogenic niche so that the nephrogenic progenitor cells face the epithelial progenitor cell at the tip of a CD ampulla. Then, the induced nephrogenic progenitor cells assimilate in the pretubular aggregate. While its medial part remains opposite the head of the CD ampulla, at its proximal end, the primitive renal vesicle is formed. Only a part of it separates to stick to the section border between the head and conus of the CD ampulla. This marks the link with the future connecting tubule at the distal pole of the extending renal vesicle. Meanwhile, the proximal pole is mounted next to the connecting tubule of an earlier developed nephron. The resulting two-point mounting serves a common elongation of the conus at the CD ampulla and the medial aspect of the comma-shaped body. In the S-shaped body, it supports to defoliate the arising glomerulus and to link it with the perforating radiate artery at its deep lateral aspect.ConclusionsThe investigation depicts that the installation is an interactive process between the stages of nephron anlage and its structural neighbors. A special meaning has the interjacent interstitium. It is vital for the positioning, shaping, and physiological integration. Due to its special location, this is mainly exposed to noxae.

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