
The study was conducted at the Curu Pentecoste Irrigated District, in Pentecoste, Ceará, Brazil, with the aim of install an subsurface drainage system to assist in the reclamation of a saline-sodic soil in an area cultivated with coconut (Cocus nucifera L). The subsurface drainage system was installed in an area of 0.4 ha with serious problems of flooding and consisted of: open collector drain with a length of 135 m, ten tubular lateral drains of 45 m each, made of pipes DN 65 drenoflex mm wrapped in blanket bidim OP-20 and installed in a box of gravel No. 01. To follow the response of the coconut to the new drainage system, 35 days after installation of the system were evaluated some parameters of plant growth and a second evaluation was performed eight months after the first. The height of plants within the area drained showed in increase of 80%, while the plants that remained outside the area the increase in plant height was about 50%. It is possible to conclude that the installation of the drainage system provided better drainage of excess water from the area and consequently resulted in the best development of coconut plants.

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