
The main objective of the paper is the development of the viscoplastic regularization procedure valid for a broad class of thermodynamic plastic flow processes in damaged solids. The additional aim is to investigate instability phenomena and adiabatic shear band localization criteria when spatial covariance, thermomechanical coupling, strain induced anisostropy and micro-damage softening effects are taken into consideration. This investigation is based on an analysis of acceleration waves and takes advantage of a notion of the instantaneous adiabatic acoustic tensor. In the first part of the paper the formulation of an inelastic flow process is given and particular attention is focussed on the thermomechanical coupling effects. The thermodynamic theory of elastic-viscoplastic damaged solids is presented within a framework of the rate type covariance material structure with a finite set of the internal state variables. A notion of covariance is understood in the sense of invariance under an arbitrary spatial diffeomorphism. Rate sensitivity effect is introduced by the assumption of the viscoplastic overstress conception. A notion of a relaxation time has been used to control the description of mechanical as well as thermal disturbances. By the assumption that the mechanical relaxation time is equal to zero the thermo-elastic-plastic (rate independent) response of the damaged material is accomplished. In the second part of the paper the existence of a solution to the initial-boundary value problem is examined and its stability property is investigated based on the application of nonlinear semi-group methods and an analysis of continuity of evolution operators. For an adiabatic process the investigation of acceleration waves is given. The determination of eigenvalues of the appropriate acoustic tensor is presented. This helps to assess the well-posedness of the initial-value problems which describe the thermodynamic plastic flow processes. Differences for two constitutive assumptions, namely for rate dependent and rate independent responses, are examined. In the case of an adiabatic process and elastic-viscoplastic response of a material the conditions for the existence, uniqueness and well-posedness of the initial value problem have been investigated. Criteria for adiabatic shear band localization of plastic deformation are obtained by assuming that some eigenvalue of the instantaneous adiabatic acoustic tensor for rate independent response is equal to zero. Several particular cases of the constitutive model have been considered.

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