
ABSTRACT Introduction This article will outline exemplary practices in teaching a Sexual Attitude Reassessment (SAR). SAR is sometimes colloquially referred to as diversity, equity, inclusion, and intersectionality training in the field of sexology. However, SAR is much more than that. SAR is a bridge 'from' cis-hetero-monogamous-ableist kyriarchy and other forms of erotic marginalization 'to' embodiment, loving kindness, compassion, compersion, and equanimity. Objective Stop the perpetuation of sexual shame, stigma, and other harms through meta-cognition, increased sexual world-view, professional boundaries, and triadic professional relationships for compassionate client support and equity formation. Methods Analysis of SAR lesson plans from multiple leaders in the field, to compare and critique methods and pedagogy utilized.Literature review of books, dissertations, and peer-reviewed journal publications on SAR.Professional recommendations based upon research and analysis. Results SAR is an opportunity for each participant to recognize and critically examine our internalized shame, stigma, aversion, and joy. Through this process of collaborative reflection, dialogue, and meta-cognition; we can learn to address the hidden narratives that might guide and/or foreclose our potential personal lives and to minimize harmful perpetuation of shame and stigma to clients, colleagues, family, and community. Physician, first heal thyself!It is important to understand that while as SAR is a required course for AASECT certification; it is the potential first of many experiential steps along the path of personal and professional exploration that will unfold across one's lifespan. SAR is a critical examination of one's sexual beliefs and values. A way of challenging the world as we know it to exist by purposefully confronting different worldviews, cultures, abilities, sexual orientations, gender identities, socioeconomic status, and social histories via lived experiences. SAR is also a nurturing space that encourages the growing process and facilitates brave learning. Conclusions Recommendations will be made around sexually explicit media, live / virtual formats, group discussion formats, positionality, vulnerability, and other resources. Disclosure No

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