
Serial earthquake, especially with magnitudes of 5.0 MW or bigger can cause damages in anything including dams. In accordance with the provisions of the International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD), there is an obligation for dam owners to inspect dams after an earthquake of magnitude greater than Mw 5, 0. In this paper, the inspection consisted of three following elements: 1) Review of past data 2) Visual inspection (field examination) 3) Report preparation. The analysis included settlement analysis. The data used in settlement analysis was the distance between the dam and the epicenter, the peak ground acceleration, and the intensity of the earthquake felt at the location of the dam. The analysis The results showed that due to the propagation of the earthquake in the bedrock received at the BMKG station at Lombok Airport (Praya), acceleration in the bedrock or peak ground acceleration in the earthquake sequence from July 29 to August 19 was very low, ranging from 20 to 110 gal or around 0, 02 to 0.11 g. In Lombok cases, rockfill dams were more resistant to earthquakes than homogeneous earthfill dams.

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