
It is thought that there are two distinct modes of chemical neurotransmission, referred to as fast (synaptic) transmission and slow (volume) transmission. Fast transmission, mediated by ligand-gated ionotropic receptors, operate with millisecond temporal and nanometer spatial precision in excitatory and inhibitory synapses, primarily mediated by glutamate and GABA, respectively. In contrast, slow transmission relies on activation of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) and is mediated by several classes of neuromodulators, including dopamine. Neuromodulators are thought to operate at temporal scales that range from hundreds of milliseconds to minutes, with a spatial specificity that is insufficiently understood but generally described as “diffuse”. In this work, we provide new evidence that shows the spatial precision of dopamine transmission is highly reminiscent of the spatial properties of signaling mediated by the fast acting neurotransmitters.To gain this insight, we used an optical assay named “DopaFilm” that is based on oligonucleotide functionalized single walled carbon nanotube dopamine sensors (nanosensors). Primary dopaminergic neurons were grown on top of glass coverslips functionalized with nanosensors, which enabled visualization of dopamine exocytosis events in single release sites under a continuous 785nm excitation laser. In axonal arbors, DopaFilm can report evoked and spontaneous dopamine release events with high signal to noise ratios of up to 50. Recording on DopaFilm revealed dopamine release is fast, calcium-dependent, and reliant on similar presynaptic protein machinery employed by fast neurotransmitters. These findings challenge the notion that dopamine is a slow transmitter; however it doesn’t preclude the possibility of imprecise spatial signaling, consistent with volume transmission theory. More recent data from our lab now challenges the spatial characteristics of volume transmission model as currently understood in the literature. In this talk, I will discuss new insights gained on dopamine signaling including clear examples of precise spatial arrangements of dopamine release sites, and ultrastructural, biochemical and spatial transcriptomic data that shows that neuromodulatory action can be highly spatially precise in nature.

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