
The present study reports the investigation of the electronic structure and stability of TiMgn (n = 1–12) nanoclusters in the framework of the linear combination of atomic orbital density functional theory (DFT) together with a spin-polarized generalized gradient approximation (GGA). We have calculated different thermodynamic and chemical parameters, such as binding energy (BE), embedding energy (EE), fragmentation energy (FE), HOMO-LUMO gap, vertical ionization potential (VIP), vertical electron affinity (VEA), etc. during the growth process of the cluster to understand their stability. From the study, the TiMg8 cluster comes out to be the most stable cluster. Further, the positive charge (Mulliken charge) on the Ti in TiMg8 cluster indicates that the Mg8-cage behaves as an electron acceptor during hybridization with the Ti. The absence of any reactive site (obtained from NBO), minimum Mg-Ti bond length, and negative NICS in TiMg8 ground state cluster support it as a globally stable cluster. Low ELF index value revealing the non-reactivity of the TiMg8 cluster. Finally, orbital analysis shows that TiMg8 clusters follow closed-cell electronic orbital sequence 1S21P61D102S2 and satisfy the 20-electron counting rule. IR and Raman spectrum calculations are also presented to understand the vibrational nature of the clusters.

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